Sunday, June 30, 2013

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Blogger or Wordpress: Which Platform to Choose?

Are you searching for the best platform where you can host your blog? It could be Blogger or Wordpress. Well, let’s start from the beginning. Step by step I will describe everything that matters for blogging.

The very first question you may have is “why you need to do blogging”?

  1. Promote Your Company: You can promote your Company online with a nice blog. You can reach more people and this way you can convert your visitors to customers easily.
  2. Earn Money by blogging: Now-a-days more than thousands of bloggers throughout the world earn a huge amount of money from their blog.
  3. Becoming a pro freelancer: Blogging should be your first choice if you want to be a professional article writer or Search Engine Optimization expert. It will help you a lot to get ready for the big show.

Once you are clear on why you want to be a blogger your second step to choose “which blogging platform you should use”.

Now you have two options - you can use a free platform like blogger or you can host your blog yourself on Wordpress or anything like that. Now I am going to tell you in details.

Why should you use Blogger:

  1. Blogger is Free: The title and the biggest advantages of blogger is it’s free. If you are a newbie in blogging and want some experience or if you don’t want to pay any cash should be your first choice. You can use free subdomain with blogger or you can customize with your own domain. And also blogger gives you a secured free hosting. It will help you to get some experience before investing on your paid blog.
  2. Easy to use: If you are not a dumb or something like that you can use blogger like you use your cell phone. You don’t need very deep technical knowledge for using blogger. Of course some basic HTML and SEO knowledge will help you to raise your blog’s position. But it’s not compulsory. If you use some Blogger Tricks you can make your blog one of the bests.
  3. Advantages of Mighty Google: Blogger is a property of Google. Besides there are many cool widgets and features that can be necessary for a blogger.
  4. Smooth and Reliable Hosting: If you use paid hosting you may have some problems like “down server” or “Slow server”. But in Blogger there’s no problem like that. Blogger server is owned by Google and all the time you get them working smooth and nice.
  5. Secured than anything else: When anyone asked me which is more secure, Blogger or Wordpress? I answer “Blogger” before finishing his question. You don’t need to think about your blog security unless your Gmail account got hacked. 

Restrictions of Blogger:

Though Blogger is the perfect place for the newbie but if you want to scale your own business or marketing your product you will be disappointed. Many most useful plugins and features are not available and no longer supported in blogger. You will find your blog as many other’s clones. And remember you don’t own your blog. Google has it and if you do anything that breaks their rules they can remove your blog with your business.

All about Wordpress:

There are two platforms of wordpress. One is “” and the other is””. Like as Blogger, provides with free domain and hosting. You can purchase paid domain with $15. The domain will be It’s also easy to use. is a well-known CMS platform. They don’t offer any domain and hosting like blogger. You can customize and develop your blog as you like and there are no restriction to use anything with wordpress. Wordpress gives you the liberty to do what you like to do. But there are few steps to start with

  1. Your Own Domain: You will need your own domain for using You can buy it or manage a free domain.
  2. Your Own Hosting: You will also need to purchase your own hosting. That will cost a lot. You can buy it from hosting providers or can get a free hosting.
  3. Need Some Knowledge: For using you will need to install wordpress. If you have a good command over HTML, CSS, PHP and many other languages you can handle it easily. Otherwise it will seem little bit hard to you.

Now you know the differences between blogger and wordpress. It’s time to make your move wisely to start your blogging. If you are a newbie or care best security you should better make your blog with Blogger.

Which platform do you use for blogging and why? What do you think what is better, Blogger or Wordpress? Do you have any self-hosted blog? Please let me know in the comments below.


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